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Investigação para obtenção de Doutoramento em Design da Faculdade de Arquitectura de Lisboa

Design PhD Study at Faculty Architecture of Lisbon

Es una investigación para obtener un Doctorado en Diseño de la Facultad de Arquitectura de Lisboa


Escada do Design

Escada do Design
Adaptação da Design Ladder, Danish Design Center (DDC), 2003 e relacionada com o grau de inovação.

Graus de Inovação

Graus de Inovação
Adaptação de Jacoby e Rodriguez, 2007.

Sistema de Transferência de Tecnologia

Sistema de Transferência de Tecnologia

Mudança de Paradigma

Mudança de Paradigma
Adaptação de Konno, 2009.

Probalidade de Inovação

Probalidade de Inovação
Adaptação de Milton de Sousa, 2006




Adaptação de Verganti, 2003.

Autora | The Author | Okedesigner!

A minha foto
Formação Académica:
. FA UTL - Faculdade de Arquitectura – Universidade Técnica de Lisboa
2004/2007 Curso de Mestrado em Design de Produto;
2007/2008 “O Designer na Indústria de Faiança Utilitária em Portugal: 1990-2005” apresentado à FA UTL para mestrado em Design, com orientação científica dos Professores Fernando Marques Caria e José Pinto Duarte;
2007/2008 Bolseira de Investigação do De.:SID - Design como Recurso Estratégico Empresarial;
2008/2009 Curso de Doutoramento em Design;
. IADE - Instituto de Arte, Design e Marketing
2004 Membro da Unidade de Investigação em Design e Comunicação (UNIDCOM);
2003 Licenciatura em Design Industrial;
1988 Bacharelato em Design de Interiores e Equipamento Geral.
Situação Profissional:
2009 . Bolseira de Investigação da Fundação para a Ciência e da Tecnologia - FCT.

Artigos | Papers

Contribute for innovation
Maria João MELO,1 Fernando Moreira da SILVA,1 José Monteiro BARATA2
1 CIAUD, Faculdade de Arquitectura, TU Lisbon
2 Instituto Superior de Economia e Gestão, TU Lisbon


The article refers to the creation of an organizational system to enhance the flow of technological transference between public and private entities which share a common innovation platform, including design as a knowledge integration factor. It aims to transform innovative ideas into marketable products and services through the empathy created with the consumer by using design-thinking. This is done by articulating human, cultural and communicational factors with the market needs and opportunities in benefit of the innovation culture, through the dynamics of transference of technology from the universities to the transforming industry.
This system will make possible the manufacture of products with a higher level of innovation, differentiated by the intangible actives which come from the introduction of the design activity which, by being strategic, will contribute to the economical valorization of the national resources as it increases the value of exported goods, of which the economical production depends. The adoption of the organizational model based in the Technological Centers proposed, will amplify its role to that of catalyst, of articulation and coordination of innovative projects between the industry and the national scientific and technological environments, transforming tacit knowledge in explicit knowledge in order to perform the transference of technology to products, services and/or processes.


Transference of Technology, Design-thinking, Strategic Design, Innovation Culture.

1.                  INTRODUCTION

Worldwide, there is consensus regarding the inhibitor mechanisms of technological transference as the causes and effects of the gap between academic investigation and corporations have been identified and discussed. The Portuguese case is no exception. By taking them into account without intending to interfere in its various vocations, aims, motivations and particularities, we envisioned a system which promotes its cooperation having as pillar the activity of design as a strategic resource in order to transform human capital into structural capital. It will be a contribution to the approximation of these two communities isolated by different methods, by specific languages, by different practices, attitudes and visions. If one of the aspects which affects the process of technological transference is identified as being the development of products with reduced scientific basis, the contribution of the design-thinking applied methodology will help the positioning of new corporate ideas and will guaranty its communication, together with the entities which develop the technological infrastructure, contributing to the creation of conditions that will allow the Portuguese society to perform the organizational changes which will imply the adoption of the design management model proposed by Nevado (2008), accessible to all its sectors and dimensions, creating value through the manufacture of goods which have a innovation level adequate to the need of increased productivity.

2.                  DISCUSSION
In Mulet (2010), the process of transference of knowledge from the Universities to the companies faces different types of pressures which push them to new dynamics, namely, financial dynamics. Increasingly limited public budgets conduct us to the search of external income complements, being it applications for more and new research funds, the establishment of protocols of cooperation in exchange for participation in the capital of the companies which may use the academic knowledge and/or the obtaining of royalties. On the other hand, the fast dynamics of other contextual factors, such as the search in companies for knowledge in C&T and the development of economical activities whose technologies increasingly have a stronger scientific basis, such as the global tendency to cooperation, sharing and integration in networks which constitute the new individual motivation of researchers, lead us to explore the conditions which seem to be united to increase the flow of knowledge transference between the university and the national manufacturing industry. However, according to Câmara (2009), the vast majority of the companies does not possess the necessary liquidity nor the interlocutors to proceed to the integration of contributions in research originated in universities, in which it is determinant the familiarity with the scenarios predicted by the experts for whom the manufacture of new products depend. According to Martins (2010), the existence of knowledge transference is not economically useful as it does not translate in goods whose value is recognized by the global consumer. Therefore, in order to an increase in productivity in the national manufacturing industry take place, the route made by the incorporated knowledge has to translate in progress in the processes which Martin (20099) designates as “navigation in the funnel of knowledge”, through design thinking by using a series of choices, combining different ideas from different knowledge domains. To Berger (2009), design is about the infinite possibilities and, maybe more than anything else about optimism, will be of the opportunities and benefits of the knowledge application to the production of goods and subsequent increase in the national productivity which we will cover.
According to Ilharco (2004), designers in the current global world, very much like artists and researchers, must act as antennae of society, receiving ideas and the first signs of change, mapping new territories, embracing risk, being simultaneously inspired by and inspiring other artists. Due to the fact that their voices are peripheral and marginal, heralds of things to come, it is in them that relies the responsibility of reaching society’s sensitivity.
According to Baptista (1999), the current social and current economical context is also characterized by the globalization of competitiveness. The promotion of an entrepreneurial Culture and the capacity of innovating in the companies function in this context as catalysts of change, of competitiveness and economical prosperity, in which designers have a determining role to perform, depending on the opportunities that will be created so that they can act as agents of change, with capacity to accelerate the creation the dissemination and the application of innovative ideas.
Bearing in mind that Portugal has, according to Iriondo (2009), the necessary infrastructures to allow the knowledge transference to happen, this author recommends however the existence of a permanent platform of technological transference and with its own group of employees, in order to guarantee four aspects which he considers paramount. The first refers to follow-up of the processes of knowledge transference; the second, to act with the interlocutor; the third as aggregator of research teams; and a fourth with power of decision to act as representative of the Rectory. Except for the fourth aspect, we propose that the others roles be performed simultaneously through the performance of design, according to what is stated in figure 1.

Fig.1 – Transferência de Tecnologia impulsionada pelo design
We propose an organizational system which, according to figure 2, as it integrates design as an strategic resource in the Portuguese Technological Centers, favors an environment which allows the intensification and conjugation of the relation between the transforming industry with the universities, so that from this network of cooperation one can obtain the application of the knowledge thus generated to solutions with better performance in products and/or processes, favoring the culture of national innovation. This way, the transforming industry will be able to benefit from the potential of various elements that already constitute them, as well as from the articulation with those who, such as designers, in a near future, we will justify the integration through the creation of an organizational trinomial which combines design with science and with the transforming industry, bringing together the four determining factors for competitiveness according to Porter (2007), the location, the technological innovation, the organizational model and the creativity.
Fig. 2 – Organizational Trinomial

Because the success of an idea or the probability of occurring an innovation with the development of new products depend on the level of commitment of the source but equally from the receiver, on the location and time where it occurs, this research is timely and innovative because it tries to clarify and reinforce the professional status of the designer in the Portuguese transforming industry and, on the other hand, to justify the saving in resources, as we can make, through adjustments in the entity Technological Centers, to the adequacy of strategic design as element of market economy, to introducing in this pre-existing infrastructure as well as identifying and characterizing the necessary mechanisms so that the desired change takes place.
This way, we attribute to the designer, through the cognitive and emotional mechanisms inherent to his professional activity, a determining role as agent of change broadening frontiers from design to leadership and coordination of strategic projects. However, so that we can accelerate the rhythm of innovation a well as its level and quality, it is paramount to be able to prove the validity the research’s question: “Can the activity of strategic design satisfy the need for innovation in the national transforming industry?”.
Everything indicated that possibility will confirm itself: “The Technological Centers are, as infrastructures of the national system for innovation, the adequate institutions for the management of a organizational model which integrates as strategic resource to driven innovation in the national manufacturing industry”.
Naturally, the potential of the system to the transference of technology through the proposed organizational model must be evaluated taking into account the limitations of the present document which corresponds to a not concluded phase in the investigation.

6.                  ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS

We would like to thank the Fundação para a Ciência e da Tecnologia – FCT the financing through the attribution of individual scholarship in C&T, with the reference SFRH/BD/45464/2008.


[Baptista99] P. Baptista. Inovação nos Produtos, Processos e Organizações. Principia. Lisboa: 1999. http://www.spi.pt/documents/books/inovint/ippo/cap_apresentacao.htm
[Berger09] W. Berger. Glimmer: How Design Can Transform Your Life, and Maybe Even the World. The Penguin Press HC.  s/l: 2009.
[Câmara09] A. Câmara. Voando com os Pés na Terra. Bertrand. Lisboa: 2009. 
[Ilharco04], F. Ilharco. A Questão Tecnológica: Ensaio sobre a Sociedade Tecnológica Contemporânea. Principia. Lisboa: 2004.
[Iriondo09] W. Iriondo. Transferência de conhecimento da universidade para a sociedade através do tecido empresarial: um estudo da situação em Portugal. Pós-Doutoramento em parceria entre o Centro de Investigação em Sociologia Económica e das Organizações (SOCIUS), da Universidade Técnica de Lisboa, e o Instituto de Pesquisas e Estudos em Administração Universitária (INPEAU), da Universidade Federal de Santa Catarina, Brasil. Lisboa: 2009.
[Martin09] R. L. Martin. The Design Of Business: Why design thinking is the next competitive advantage. Harvard Business School Press. Boston: 2009.
[Martins10] J. M. Martins. Gestão Do Conhecimento: Criação e transferência de conhecimento. Edições Sílabo, Lisboa: 2010.
[Mulet10] J. Mulet. Barreras en la cooperación Universidad-Empresa en Portugal y España: Medidas para la eficacia de la transferencia de conocimiento. Conferencia Universitaria Ibérica sobre Transferencia de Tecnología, COTEC. 30 de Novembro. Huelva: 2010.
 [Nevado08] P. Nevado, J. Barata, R. Almendra,  et. al. The Igloo Model: a Challenge to Management and a Contribution of Design to Business Competitiveness. Joint Conference of the 15th Annual International Conference on Advances in Management & 1st Annual International Conference on Social Intelligence. 16 a 19 Jul. Boston: 2008.
 [Porter07] M. E. Porter. Estratégia e Vantagem Competitiva. Público. Lisboa: 2007.

Citações | Quotes | Cotizaciones

"I believe in science and art, and the promise and potencial of design to bring them together to change the world."
(Bruce Mau, 2004)

"(...) There are few completely original ideas; just about everything you think of has been influence by something else. But if you can connect 'old' ideas in new ways, you can create progress."
(Bruce Mau, 2004)

We must reframe capitalism as the space for creators, not traders, for risk-takers, not risk managers".
(Bruce Nussbaum, 2011)

"(...) o problema central do desenvolvimento da fantasia é o aumento do conhecimento, de forma a permitir um maior número de relações possíveis entre um maior número de dados. Como é óbvio, isto não significa que uma pessoa muita culta seja também automaticamente, uma pessoa com muita fantasia. Há pessoas que memorizam uma quantidade enorme de dados e que, para os outros, passam por pessoas muito inteligentes, quando afinal se trata apenas de memória. Se estas pessoas estabelecerem relações entre aquilo que sabem, se não utililizarem a fantasia, permanecerão como um maravilhoso armazém de dados inertes. (...)"
(Bruno Munari, 1987)

" (...) É preciso um misto de conhecimentos, meios e necessidade para converter uma descoberta numa oportunidade. (...)"
(David S. Landes, 2001)

" (...) A fonte de inspiração para as modalidades do design, no futuro próximo,não se limitarão às tradicionais noções de beleza e beleza e eficiência, mas incluirão a recuperação da nossa antiquíssima necessidade de sabedoria. (...)."
(Derrick de Kerkhove, 1997)

" (...) A civilização que confunde os relógios com tempo, o crescimento com o desenvolvimento, e o grande com a grandeza, também confunde a natureza com a paisagem, enquanto o mundo, labirinto sem centro, se dedica a romper o seu próprio céu."
(Eduardo Galleano, 2011)

"(...) design and design research can play a crucial role in our efforts to find a way out to the current economic and ecological crises."
(Ezio Manzini, in Mind Design #23, 2009)

"(...) O uniforme avança da mesma maneira que o Múltiplo.(...) a diversidade no espaço foi substituída pela diversidade no tempo: isto acentua-se diariamente numa época voltada para a inovação, para a diversidade da oferta, para a moda generalizada. (...)".
(Gilles Lipovestsky, 2011)

"Inovar é (...) reconstruir permanentemente o nosso futuro."
(José Dantas, 2007)

"(...) Democratic tools gave ordinary people a way to express themselves more easily than any tools could have before."
(Lawrence Lessig, 2003)

"(...) We're living in a time when technology is favoring the social. More vibrant sharing economies are the result."
(Lawrence Lessig, 2008)

"Change only favors the prepared mind."
(Louis Pasteur, 1854)

"(...) We could almost describe design actions as the activators of the integration of territorial, cognitive and action elements of context and of the system of interaction between context's significant agents".
"(...)The final result is a production and circulation circuit relative to project, production and communication knowledge, express in their explicit and tacit forms."
(Maffei e Zurlo, 2000)

"(...)For the first time since Industrial Revolution, successful companies will be designful companies. They'll combine knowing, making,and doing to strive for truth,beauty, and the public good. (...)"
(Marty Neumeyer, 2009)

"O possível é o futuro do impossível"
"(...) O possível de agora não de ser muito diferente do impossível de antes. Por sua vez, o impossível mesmo impossível existia num e continua a existir no outro, mas como não pode ser distinguido do impossível no futuro, a hipótese mais criadora, aquela que propõe esperança é a que se considera que tudo o que formos capazes de imaginar poderá ser materializado. Ou seja, todo o impossíel pode vir a ser possível. (...)"
(Peixoto, José Luís, 2012)

"A verdadeira novidade que perdura é a que toma todos os fios da tradição e os tece novamente num padrão que a tradição seria incapaz de criar.”
(Pessoa, Fernando. Heróstrato e a busca da identidade, 2000)

"(...) Se o Estado-nação é agora uma unidade de medida sem significado, atribuir um produto a um determinado país também é redundante, (...). O que importa é quem, não onde. Que seja fabricado por ou desenhado por, e não fabricado em (...)"
(Nordström e Ridderstrale, 2009)

"O progresso é a realização de utopias"
(Oscar Wilde, s/d)

"Por vezes basta olhar de outra forma para ver melhor."
(Paul Virilio, 1995)

" (...) a inovação a pedido implica uma imaginação intencional, que é a identificação de soluções práticas e a extrapolação da melhor solução no sentido da inovação. (...) numa economia do conhecimento, as soluções inovadoras podem ser criadas a pedido."
(Praveen Gupta, 2008)

"(...) Having everyone understand what innovation is, and what it is not, is critical for culture change. (...)"
(Scott Anthony, 2012)

"O grande inimigo do conhecimento não é a ignorância, mas a ilusão do conhecimento."
(Stephen Hawking, s/d)

"We have to brake with the past in order to build a new future. We have to aim for Utopian results."
(Thomas Dickson, in Mind Design #16, 2009)

"The evolution from design to design thinking is the story of the evolution from the creation of products to the analysis of the relationship between people and products, and from there to the relationship between people and people."
(Tim Brown, 2009)

"(...) design is about infinite possibilities. And perhaps more than anything else,is about optimism. (...)"
(Warren Berger, 2009)

"(...) As a species, we tend to fear change and the advent of new technologies, as much as we ultimately come to embrace them."
(Wolfgang Grulke, 2001)

" (...) na fábrica do futuro, deveríamos pensar em termos de laboratórios científicos, academias artísticas, bibliotecas e colecções de fitas magnéticas do que em termos de fábricas modernas.
(...) lugares onde o homo faber se torna homo sapiens sapiens porque compreendeu que produzir equivale a aprender, ou seja, a adquirir, gerar e transmitir informações."
(Vilém Flusser, 2010)


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